Total Objects:10344
# Searches:251035
Search Field Examples
- m101
- *6888
- ra 12 23 12 dec 30 12 23
- ra 12 23 dec 30 12
- Use focal override. If you put a valid number, telescope selection will be completely discarded
- Focal=Aperture*F-Ratio
- Value are in millimeters.If you have Inches, i.e. a 16inches f/10 do: 16*25.4 *10 = 4064
- Do a search, and bookmark it so you will not have to set it again
- Sizes have different unit measures per object type
- Big fields require a lot of time for retrieving Images
- If too many objects are returned not all images are displayed
- You can save html page for on-field consulting
- If you would like to see here your camera, just email me all parameters.
Pixel Size in micron and number for both axes